Category Archives: Human Body

Information about human body.. its weak points strong points.. etc..
So as to make the offence easy

Human pressure points..

Besides human weaknesses shown in previous post.. Human have many more pressure points. Pressure points refer to small points in human body that cause paon if they are attacked in a proper manner or else it won’t be of any effect. These points include the weak human parts. All these points cause damage on applying pressure because they have a specific blood vessel that connects the part to the brain. So many of these parts can even faint a person for sometime.
Some of these pressure points are given below..

In the following images you can observe that the pressure points of a body are based of the arteries of blood. The above pressure points are the prime points in the body. These positions have the maximum pressure of blood. All these parts can be used to measure pulse rate(except knees). The human body has some bones that are very strong… Such bones can be used effectively for attack.
1) Shin bone
2) Heel bone
3) Pisiform-Triquetrum
(bottom left corner bone of right
4) The whole of phalanx
(The bones making the fingers)

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Posted by on January 25, 2013 in Human Body


Human weaknesses.

Every human has some physical weaknesses; there are two types of it. Variable and invariable.
Invariable weaknesses do not change from person to person. There are some common weaknesses in a human body. These invariable points on the body are strong enough to resist a blow or two but they can be temperory hell for you in a blow that may cause a big amount of damage. The following figure shows the points and weaknesses in The human body :

The points of weaknes shown here are knee caps, groins, eyes, nose, larynx as well as the pulse vein. The parts excluding the knees are really delicate that can make a person loose his/her senses with a small blow.
The invariable weaknesses are difficult to find and analyse. They are normally found out during the physical arguments.
A human possesses a brain that can react quicker than a travelling light. But the only way to make it quicker is to panic as negligible as possible. The key to absorb the defence moves in your body and be used to it is practice and calmness.

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Posted by on January 24, 2013 in Human Body